Monday, April 26, 2010

Dance,Dance, Dance

Reef did wonderful this weekend at the Talent on Parade dance competition. Level 2 brought home 2 blue ribbons and the coveted 1st place medal!! Reef was so happy to see her friends and family there to cheer her on. Haylee ran up to Reef after they announced "Shake Your Tailfeather had won 1st" and said "You won and you rock!" Reef was all smiles and looked in her bff's eyes and said "What? We won 1st?" I guess the medal was enough...who cares what place you get when you have a sweet medal around your neck and the best girlfriend in the world with roses in hand!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Roxli and her Red Mary Jane's

This morning Roxli and I were going to weed the small backyard garden. I told her of my plans saying them in a "fun voice". I do love this age because if you say anything in a "fun voice" then it is. Crazy how that works. The power of ones voice and tone. Now that I am thinking about it I should try this on Daddy...I'll let you know later how this works out for me.
OK back to the story. I told Rox to go get her shoes on. She came outside so proud of the choice...Red Mary Jane's. This struck me funny. After kissing her face up we were off to the task at hand...Well not for long. Two or three weeds removed from the wet ground and she was off calling butterflies. You know like how you call a cat..Here Kitty Kitty!! Those red shoes were on hot pursuit of the delicate yellow butterfly. Flushed cheeks and no luck in the butterfly catching department, she yelled "I hear something!" The birds were singing us a song to do our weed pulling to. Because of this precious little girl in red Mary Jane's I became fully aware of the beautiful nature surrounding me. She was taking it all in; soaking it up. As a grown-up (I use that term loosely) I tend to just get caught up with the task at hand and not notice all the blessings. I am thankful I got to see the world today through her eyes. Next time I might just have to wear myself some Red Mary Jane's.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

You get a line... I'll get a pole

Landa park + fishing = Yummy dinner
We had a picnic and talked about how many we were about to catch. Rhett was the first to pull in a feisty mudbug, then Reef. Baby Rox just walked up and down the bank saying "I don't see my bait." We captured about 25 to 30 in a couple of fun hours. Dinner was wonderful... well for those of us who don't have food issues... (RHETT). It took all he had to eat the shrimp, potatoes and crawfish. I just had to laugh because I just don't get how one can not just eat even if you don't really like it. I will eat anything. I guess I am just glad that someone has put food in front of me that I did not have to cook, or maybe I just love food. Who knows, but Rhett did not get this trait from me.
Hours later, middle sister comes to me and says, "Rhett is going to run away because of the nasty food you make him eat". She was serious as a heart attack!!! Her eyes were shining with tears that were about to tumble out with just the mere thought of Rhett packing it up and venturing off into the world on his own. I told her all would be fine. I was positive he would still be calling our home his permanent address in the morning. After settling her down, off to talk with the mistreated oldest Doss. He was mad as a wet hen. Feathers all ruffled. He truly felt like an injustice had been done to him making him eat "healthy food". I had to walk away because I did not want to laugh right in his poor little face. So Scott goes in to settle this issue with him. As he walked up the stairs I was silently wishing him luck, this was going to take a straight face that I knew I could not pull off. Scott walks down stairs about 10 minutes later to report the verdict. "Rhett fills like he has held his manners his whole life about the bad food we feed him." Scott firmly states. Scott asked him what he would like to eat and Rhett said, "Well I like candy, ice cream and pizza that is not too greasy." What do you say to that?? I thought... well I am glad it was Scott doing the talking because I am sure I would have told him something sassy like don't hold your breath sweet thing!!! Scott calmly explained in his educated voice that we would not be good parents if we feed him that kind of junk.
Off to bed Rhett went and the next morning I asked Rhett if he was better and he just laughed. I get it. We all have to melt it down now and then. I know I have had a few myself. Dust on the ceiling fan while on bed rest is just one of the many I have pulled myself. I guess he got that trait from me... Why couldn't he have just loved food like me??